Monday, May 29, 2006

bAcK fRoM MeLaCcA!!

"Men must be strong enough to know when he is weak, brave enough to encounter fear, dignified and having moral courage in honest defeat, humble and gentle in victory"

I mAdE It!!! mY dReAMs cAmE tRuE!!! a 487 km jOurnEy fRom mY cRib To mELaCcA n bAcK! bEsT sTill ON MY X1!!! A 110cc BIKE!!!

dA jOurNey bEgAn onN 280506 aT abT 0830. wE wErE sUpPoSe tO meEt uP aT aBt 0730 bUt i gOt cAuGhT uP wIf sMtG aT wErK. yUpz wEnT dArE aFtEr wErK(24hRs) wIf LeSs sLeEp!!!

wE sTarTeD dA tRiP wIf bReAkfAsT aT JB wHiCh i tReAtEd cOz i wAs lAtE! hEhEhE
da CrUsInG sPeEd wAS abt 140km/h oN mY sPeeDo, on a bigGer bIkE iT wIll bE ABt 100-110km\h! vErY sLoW sIA!

i dUnNo wAt To bLog Abt, cOz picTurEs tElls a tHoUsAnd wOrDs..buT mY cAmErA bRokE dOwN hAlF wAy! =(

tAkE cArE!
eNjOy dA pHotOs..

Thursday, May 25, 2006


"Men must be strong enough to know when he is weak, brave enough to encounter fear, dignified and having moral courage in honest defeat, humble and gentle in victory"

lIfE'S fUll oF uPs n dOwNs..sUmtImeS..fUll oF sHit!! hAhAhA...

dIs wEeKeNd oUt tO mElAcCa fEr a SupEr sHorT gEt aWAy..oN MY tWO WhEeLs!!!
eXicItIng..hEhEhE..lIke fEr oNcE cAn rEallY rUn aWAy fRm eVeRYthIn aNd fOrgEt eVeRytHin...lIke a sPeCiaL sElF tReAt! tO cElEbRatE mYsElfF oN cErTaIn acCoMplIsHmEnT dAt amAzE mYsElF..wOrK oF gOd sUm mIgHt sAy..nOw oFf tO sLeEp iN dIs lAtE aFtErNoOn..lAtEr gOtTa pRePaRE mY bIkE fEr dA tRiP...
sO lOoKiN fOrWaRd tO iT!!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

rIdErS nIgHt'S oUt

"Men must be strong enough to know when he is weak, brave enough to encounter fear, dignified and having moral courage in honest defeat, humble and gentle in victory"

gOod mOooRin! fEw hRs TimE ofF tO wErK!! sIoW lIaO! hEhEhE..wEnt to MeEt uP dA gIn gANg n wEnT to Al AmIn oPp bEaUtY WorLd..kewl..gOt oFfER..sUm1 wAnnA lEt Go KTM LC4! 400 Cc!! aNd iTs CheAp! fUyOO!! tEmpTin! hEhEhE..

aSk hIm tO aSk fEr mE!! hEhEhE..aFtER wHiCh WenT to Da oLd mAnsIoN At hIll vIew..crEepY lIkE cRaZY bUt tOO bAd lOckEd..kWanG3...mUst sEarCh fEr Da sTorY bEhInD iT..aNyOnE oUt dArE nOeS????

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


"Men must be strong enough to know when he is weak, brave enough to encounter fear, dignified and having moral courage in honest defeat, humble and gentle in victory"

hAd mY iPpt eArLy dIs mOrn..dIn rEaLLy pReParEd, aS uSuAl nEvER a GoLd mEdAlIsT..bUt sOoN InsYa-AllAh...hEhE..At leAst cLeAreD!!!
pREtTy mUcH oN dA nEt aFter iPpT...dEn iN dA eVe, DEcIdEd tO cAtCh A mOvIe...MI3!!! oF cOz aLonE..sElF tReAt kAte..gOt AnnOyIn kIdS ArD...gRrRR..hAf wAy bOdY wAs tIrEd sIa...gIvIn uP..

dA sHoW?
dArN pOwERRRR~~dIs tIme gOt mUsHy2 sTuFf =( lOvIng2 sToRy eNdEd iN A gD wAy..hEhEhE...

rEmInDs mE oF mY iMaGiNAtIoN bEcOmIn An iNtELLigEncE aGEnT! lol

Monday, May 22, 2006

lOvE n aLL iTs bULL

"Men must be strong enough to know when he is weak, brave enough to encounter fear, dignified and having moral courage in honest defeat, humble and gentle in victory"

yEaH...LoVE suckS..gUEss i mUsT bE curSed..rElAtiOnsHipS r a faIlUrE tO mE...jUst my lucK
..wIf rElAtIoNsHiP cOmEs lOvE, dEn jElOuSy, dEn iNsEcUrItY, nOt tO mEntiOn aLL dA dIsApPoInMeNtS..aLL dA hOpEs..aLL dA dReAms..nOt tO mEnTiOn dA mIsSeS, dA aNger..aLL dA nEgAtIvIty aNd pOsivItY of lOvE..I gUesS it cOmEs in A pAcKaGe..lOvE, sIgH..

sUmtImEs dUn U fEeL lIkE gIvIn uP..sO sAD So SaD..NOThIn LaSt 4EvA..oF cOuRsE u cAnT oBsTrUCt dA peRsOn fRm dOin wAt IT wAntS..lEArN iT dA hArD wAy..jUsT sWoLLoW iT aNd sOoNeR or lAtEr mY hEArT 'LL fAiL..gUes i'll dO wAt i dO bESt......yUp u gUesS iT, diSaPpeAr..nO nOt rUnNiN AwAy, jUsT bEiN wIf oNeSelF, hOpEfullY tO fInD pEACE..peRhAps, i'll aWakEn wHen i'M fOuNd AgAiN..eLsE..........

Sunday, May 14, 2006

wAt A dIsApPoInTmEnT...

"Men must be strong enough to know when he is weak, brave enough to encounter fear, dignified and having moral courage in honest defeat, humble and gentle in victory"

Haf u ever loved someone dearly dat u decided to stay away? Just to prevent things frm getting worst or becoz ur disappointed of smtg..Well, in life shits cant predict it accurately at times. N Sometimes u make wrong conter measures and things goes wrong!

Its bad enough dat sum1 dun really noe who u r, or wat ur intentions r, or wat u do for cryin out loud!
Wats worst dis person spoke in btw the lines! Y cant dey just be direct..HaH! I guess wat annoied most is wen dis person said how easy my job is..hahaha..bla..bla..bla..something abt busy n all sort of shit lah..mostly in btw da lines..Old ppl..wat dey noe..always judging by its cover. of coz bein me, i could haf created a scene but..just smiled all da nonsense..
Wat can i say..just do wat i do best..disappear!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Long time no see!

"Men must be strong enough to know when he is weak, brave enough to encounter fear, dignified and having moral courage in honest defeat, humble and gentle in victory"

Greetings and salutations!
Wow! Been a really long time. Just got my pc formatted recently. Alot has happen since my last entry. Impossible to summarise i suppose.
My persian cat almost died, had some sort of uterus infection. She was bleedin as if having mensus fer like 2weeks! Fortunately took her to the vet in the nick of time. Has a surgery and removed it. basically had to spay her.
I guess dats one of the shockin news..hehehe
Besides dat, I upgraded my license..haha..ermm..
Currently i'm on course fer like 3 weeks or so. yupz the final stage of my course i suppose. Wait up fer da headlines dis coming jun or july! Hopefully i'll be all over the news! ;) *yeah rite*

I'm cutting down of my outside activities. Seems like i've neglecting those close to me and even myself perhaps...Not enough time to even reflect on myself. Now dat i got the chance, i dun even know how to start.

had a demoralising incident de other day at werk. But...classified stuff..hahaha.. Go buy strait times and read fer urself..

By da way my cuzz getting engage tomorrow! N my fren getting married. wats de odds of dat?

Take care readers!