Friday, July 15, 2005

rEalItY yEt tO sEtTtLe...

~~iTs nOt wAts uNdErnEiTh dAt mAkEs u wHo U aRe~~
~~Its wAt u dO dAt dEfInEs U~~

Wats Up!
I know its been awhile..Things are like happen sooo fast i barely haven time to catch my breath. My coz starting soon on da 18th! Dis MONDAY!!

Anyways, let me see..wats been happening to me lately?
I went to my new division to change some stuff. Not bad..The place I mean. After which I wanted to go to Geylang (with all da stuff in my bag and carrying a big shoe box). So i took a bus (from da wrong bus stop). But it still pass by dare. i was soooo sleepy dat when i blink..blink..i realise I WAS BACK AT EU TONG SENG STREET!!! CHINA TOWN!!! GRRRRR...
I walked around in circle all da way to SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD looking fer da right BUS STOP!!!
Finally i gave up n walked BACK TO WHERE I STARTED looking fer an ATM..Took a CAB to Joo Chat..
Alrites arr..wat i was loking was not dare. Bought a BOOK fer my *ehem*..n 3 CDs LAGU RAWK JIWANGS!!! REALLY VINTAGE!!

Da night when i was on duty, i had a chat wif one of my colleague..VERY DEEP TALK..All through da nite! i realise where I went wrong in life.. Realise if i dun keep things to myself, ppl may get hurt. As much as I hate all dis, I hafta embrace it as it is a blessing from above.. for each one of us has a purpose in LIFE..So many stuff..but..One at a time.. Insya-Allah..

Right now i'm like having a GROGGY HEADACHE..wait, dat doesn't sound rite..
Anyways, DID U KNOW MARINA SQUARE HAS A NEW LOOK??? Went dare just now n had SWENSONS! khakhehkeh

OkOk..I know dares like so many ppl asking me soo many questions..
Dat day when ehem..i took a step to move on, I gave her a ring ( bebeh..)..alamak i forgot da building's name, da GOTHIC LOOKing building opp Raffles Hospt.
"I told her dat my past may catch up wif me one day..Will u still be dare to be wif me?"
"Will you be wif me throught thick n thin?"
"I dun like wats happening to us now..dun wanna be labeled FLING.."
So i got one knee down..n..ehem..ehem..ehemm..*blush*

She's very close wif her mom (being de only child i suppose) pretty much her mom knows wats goin on..After da deep chat I had wif my fren..I gave some thought.. da day b4 yesterday, i sent her HOME..ALL DA WAY TO DA DOOR STEP!!!
Her parents were not home, but her Buyot(Great Granny) was dare...She's soo sweet n still strong! Buyot insisted i enter...nak taknak after like 1min..I surrendered..
Less den 5min her parents came home..JENG JENG JENG!!! *lol*
A very pleasent family!..her dad kinda relax kewl type..Her mom a very sweet lady (find her familiar though)..Pretty much a very warm welcome from dem..
i know..kinda wierd rite? since her parents were like shocked abt da ring..i tot i just intro myself (or rather, show myself!) GENTLEMAN...hahaha..

I was kinda shocked to her parents n buyot's reaction when i gave her da ring few days back..
The response were so heart warmin! She even got ADVICE from her MOM..hahaha..

everything is happening sooo fast..i still am scared! Worryin..sigh..
I guess REALITY still have not settle on me YET!
But da beautiful thing is dat things are happening as if all dis were PRE-PLANNED!!! I know..I know..keep to myslef...sSShhHsssHhh..

I just showed my mom her PIC..hahaha..Told a bit abt her..
hahaha..she like said, "kawan baru?..macam2...suruh simpan duit tak nak.." hahahaha..
kelakar lah..Wat does dat mean? hahaha..

Nitez peepz..gotta catch some rest..Haven been sleeping properly...slept only 5hrs since i got back werk (2days AGO!) Take care BRO n SISs!!!

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